Me & the Boss

Me & the Boss

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Warning Signs Of Anxiety And Panic Attacks In Men And How To Deal With Them

By Paul H. Gray

If you suffer from night anxiety, be aware - you are definitely not alone. 50% -70% of anxiety and panic disorder sufferers have reported having night anxiety attacks as well. You would think that anxiety and stress could at least give you a break at night - but no. Maybe you are worried about losing your job. You go to bed, but toss and turn for an hour. Finally you get out of bed at 2 A.M with full blown anxiety or panic attack.
[Signs Of Anxiety]

Physical symptoms are sometimes present in sufferers of anxiety. These can take two extremes depending on the person. For example, they may find that they are constipated or that they have diarrhea, either could be caused by anxiety. They may have various aches and pains all over their bodies. This may be from frequent tensing of the muscles across their body. Problems with digestion may also indicate anxiety. Changes in appetite or frequent nausea for example might be signs of anxiety. Headaches may become more frequent or longer-lasting.

Over the years I found just a few methods that gave me some relief from night anxiety, I wanted to share them with you:The Best Methods to Fight Night Anxiety:Avoiding prescription drugs - I have tried that out - and it gave me a little relief - but the goal is to get through night anxiety without creating another problem - chemical dependency. Besides, these drugs will never cure the condition, only temporarily relieve symptoms.Avoiding Caffeine, nicotine or wine in the evening- these only made the problem worse. I actually tried living with or without them and witnessed the difference. These can actually make your attacks worse and caffeine can actually give you insomnia, thus you can't sleep at all.

Drinking valerian or St.John's wart tea - actually helped me (sometimes) prevent night anxiety.Avoiding bad night habits - Don't look at the clock! Ever!Turn the clock around to face the wall, or hide it in a drawer or under the bed. I was constantly checking the time and that reinforced my thought that I'll never get back to sleep.Don't stay in bed more than 15 minutes. I used to do this to remind my brain that the bed is the place to sleep - not the place for stressing, worrying and obsessing. Night anxiety should not happen in bed.

Don't go back to bed too soon. I only went back to bed when I felt I could fall asleep right away. I watched, on purpose, a boring TV show or read a boring book.Before going to sleep, try to watch something funny on TV. Never an action film or sad drama. Something light, funny and even stupid. Give your brain a break and a chance to escape from everyday worries.The Happy End: How Did I Put Night Anxiety behind MeAnxiety did not "attack me" only in the middle of the night. It was happening all the time, out of nowhere and without apparent reason. I finally acknowledged that I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder and while these methods were very good, I wanted to go to the core and cure the condition - not just the symptoms. That was the first day of the rest of my life.

Anxiety disorder is the state where an individual has a sense of worry, fear and distress. It is quite subjective and others usually see this as uncalled for. The condition is the leading medical problem in America. Each person experiences anxiety at a point in their life in varying degrees.Anxiety disorder in children usually go unnoticed in society. This is because of the opinion that the signs they display will go away with time. However, many of these signs become ingrained into the child to adulthood. This way you will find many adults who suffer anxiety disorder which can be traced back to childhood.

Excessive worry-you worry about everything from the smallest detail to the worst thing you think might happen. It is never ending. The worry may be real or imagined. In a child's life you worry about not just that you will fail a test, you will fail every assignment and be held in your grade. You will never pass. The key here is if you fail one test, you will fail everything. Just because you fail one test does not mean you will not pass the year if you are studying and doing your homework. One may have worries about death. Death is normal, but becomes abnormal when you think about death all the time and worry that you are going to die at any time or family members may die at any time.

Phobias are another sign that anxiety disorder in children have. A phobia can be described as fear of something, situation or a place. Children with phobias usually avoid the thing or situation that they avoid. If unattended the child will carry the phobias along to their adulthood. One method of helping the child overcome the phobia is always accompanying them when they are likely to be confronted by what they are phobic to. In every instance ensure that you leave them alone for a short period to confront their phobias. With time, increase the time period and monitor their progress.

Lack of concentration is common in children, but this usually goes away as they get accustomed to their environment. However, for the case of anxiety disorder in children, concentrating on a single activity is usually hard. They are always busy working on many things at a time. A good way to treat this is instilling into them the importance of working on something at a time. Show them examples when they worked on something and got it complete

In some anxiety disorder in children perfectionism is the case. These children focus on one thing for hours. They have set standards in their minds that an activity must achieve to qualify as complete. This condition can be treated by showing interest in what they do. For example, if a child takes too long in washing their hands, once they are doing it, jump in and suggest showing them a trick on how to wash their hands faster making them cleaner. Do it fast and ensure the child tries it out. This will form a change in habits for the child, although the concentration is there, they will work on activities faster.

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