Me & the Boss

Me & the Boss

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How To Grow Your Reputation As A Leader Within Your Online Business Niche

By Russell Howe

Despite the fact that millions of people try it, very few internet marketers actually know how to make money online. Very few people who have dreams of developing their own product know how to get their business idea to the next level, and very few budding entrepreneurs know how to make the most of the lurative earnings offered to them by affiliate programs like Pure Leverage and Empower Network.

Indeed, building an income from home is often made out to be easy when in fact it is very challenging. [
See how Russ Howe became established in empower network here.

However, one of the best things about becoming your own boss is that you are in control of how things work. From the bottom level, all the way up to the top, you are in complete control of everything. Therefore, if something isn't working the way you had hoped you can simply step in and change it. From time to time, it is certainly worth looking at your current tactics and assessing which ones are returning the results you had hoped for.

Those who are working within affiliate programs often face competition from other people who are also working with the same opportunity, competing for sign ups or sales by trying to dominate search results or offering ever increasing bonuses for choosing their team over others. To stand out in an affiliate program you simply need to learn from the mistakes others are already making. Over 90% of affiliate marketers are failing, which means most of them are doing something wrong. One of the biggest mistakes most affiliates make is failing to brand themselves. You need to do this in order to succeed in any niche, and free platforms such as Facebook, Youtube and Twitter allow you to do grow your audience and reputation without spending anything at all.

The key way to do that is through useful, relevant content. For example, if you wanted to become successful in the fitness industry you would greatly enhance your chances of doing so by posting content that provided useful information to fitness, as opposed to just anything. This is why having a fan page, a twitter feed and a Youtube channel is so powerful - it allows you to reach an audience which is already out there. Imagine how many people are on those website already, particularly Youtube which is the second biggest search engine behind Google, already searching for fitness related topics. You could answer their questions if you provide useful content. In doing so, you gain a new follower.

By helping people to get what they want, you will find it easier to get what you ultimately want, too. If you are working within an affiliate program then this will show you why most of the people around you are not reaching success. That's because very few affiliate marketers take the time to help anyone else, they simply promote their business and do very little else. Those who take time to help others, even those who are not directly affiliated with them, are the people who slowly rise to the top because of the great reputation they are able to build.

The power of word of mouth still goes a long way in the business world. Social media is basically just an extension from the old days where one person would tell their friend, and they would tell another friend, and so on. Nowadays, you are able to achieve far wider success with this method because someone can literally literally tell all of their friends in one go with the click of a 'like' or 'share' button. Those who are trying to develop their own product will find it very easy to go along the same lines here. By developing an audience within your niche simply by providing relevant content, you already have a base of followers when you decide to drop your product. For example, if you were writing a guide on how to train your dog you could use platforms like Youtube to give simple, quick tips and then when your audience was at a level you deemed to be sufficient, release your training guide.

This way, you get to create an audience in advance of releasing your products. This is far more effective than releasing something to an audience of zero and then trying to build it up from that point. If you do that, you face a large chance of simply getting lost in the shuffle.

The secret of how to make money online isn't as complex as many internet guru's like to make people believe. You do not need a 'secret formula' in order to succeed with an affiliate program like Empower Network or eBay - and you do not need a ton of advertising revenue to develop your own product into a successful income. You simply need to work smarter, not harder.

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