Me & the Boss

Me & the Boss

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Is There A Fast Track To Internet Marketing Success?

By Howe Russell

As much as you tell yourself that you must be prepared for the long-term journey if you are attempting to become your own boss, it can be difficult to avoid getting sucked into the barrage of marketing systems that claim to put you on a fast track to success. Companies like Empower Network, for instance, are populated by many affiliates who have banked on a team or system to help them get results.

As you have probably guessed, of course, your first instincts were right. There is no secret to overnight success and anybody claiming they can teach you it for a certain price is lying to you. If there was a secret, it certainly wouldn't be a secret any more.

If these 'fast track' systems are misleading, though, why are there so many of them and why do they each claim to be the solution to your online business frustrations?

Well, most MLM's and network marketing companies fail to stay in business beyond the first two years. In fact, over 80 percent fail to last the first year alone. Statistics from the high street say that over 91% of real world businesses tend to collapse within the first twelve months, too. While the online figures are slightly more optimistic, they are still not desirable.

These facts can be driven home even further by looking at the failure statistics of entrepreneurs using the internet as their main source of income. If you are working as an affiliate within a network marketing opportunity right now, you may be shocked to hear that over 90% of your colleagues are not making any money at all. It only took so long before certain network marketers began questioning why they would work with an affiliate program and struggle when they had a much bigger opportunity on the table. The thinking behind this method certainly makes sense when you look at the statistics. That opportunity, of course, is training other network marketers.

If you think about it for a few moments, you can see why they did this. Over 90% of affiliate marketers are not seeing results. Many of them don't know how to market their business correctly and aren't getting any kind of help from their sponsors. Perhaps their sponsors are facing similar problems or perhaps they are keeping all of their 'secrets' to themselves, one thing remains blatantly clear - most people are failing and need help. [
See how Russ Howe became established in empower network here.

Why spend your time trying to attract people to join your chosen affiliate program when you could instead target the ever increasing audience of network marketers who are struggling for results. First, you don't have to worry about your affiliate program going out of business because you are selling your own products. More importantly, you are widening your audience greatly. By selling products to help build an online business, you are able to help any affiliate marketer regardless of which program they are working with.

Of course, this is the real world and you should expect that there are downfalls to any plan. There are so many of these systems available now that many of them have begun installing affiliate plans of their own. This is to allow their members to earn a commission for introducing other members. They do this, of course, because it means their members will promote their service for them in a bid to earn a slice of the pie each month. It's also down to the fact that they want to get themselves established as the top dogs in their niche,with so many other systems claiming to do the same thing. It doesn't take long for this marketing to get out of control, with many systems promising a seemingly easy ride.

Contrary to belief, the first real step somebody takes to becoming their own boss is not choosing an affiliate program. There are countless people working within affiliate programs like Empower Network who are no closer to self employment that you or I. The first real action taken by those who possess the potential to make a serious income online is to eliminate the hype and the dreams of finding an overnight solution to their business. Excluding a freak incident, you will need to work consistently in order to reach success.

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