Me & the Boss

Me & the Boss

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Attracting Love With The Law Of Attraction On Valentine's Day

By Mary R. Joyce

Most Law of Attraction techniques for manifesting a fabulous love life include regular visualization, collecting images or creating "vision boards" that reflect our desires, making space for someone new in our lives, scripting about our partner as if they're already here, etc.While these processes help bring our dreams of love to reality, there are other steps required to allow your ideal partner to appear. If you're serious about getting the love life you want, follow these six tips:
[Law Of Attraction Relationships]

If you'll notice the question above which asks about relationship attraction and the very next question about difficulties in attracting lasting love, you'll note that the problem lies in the question. And most of us do this without even noticing. You're probably asking yourself right now: "What is she talking about"?

What's holding most people from attracting their love relationship is that in the very next thought they think what's wrong with me. Let me make this more graphic by example. Cynthia is a client of mine who wants to meet her love match which whom she can build a life. She wants to have a family and her career. So Cynthia is very clear about what she wants. And in the same conversation she tells me about how worried she is because she's getting older. She doesn't have that much time to start a family. And wonders if she really can juggle career and family successfully.

Have you figured Cynthia's primary problem in attracting love? She has expressed what she wants and in the next statement countered her desires by sending signals of what she doesn't want. This happens so often for most of us, we hardly notice.This is where you need to look if you're one of the singles who haven't had lasting love attraction success. Find the incongruity in your thoughts and feelings. Keep your attention on what you want. Watch for thoughts that take you down the path of anxiety, frustration, low self-confidence, and dread.

You must be a match on the inside before it will show up on the outside. It's always an inner game. And I hope you'll be easy with yourself and make it fun. Life is meant to be enjoyed and if you want it with the love of you dreams.Most people don't realize that the law of attraction works for everything. It's not just about attracting money, or that new job or car, or any other material thing you may want, it's about using it to attract everything you want in your life, including attracting love. Since the law of attraction is always on and you're attracting everything into your life already, why not do so consciously.

You'll find these tips have one thing in common: creating vibrational alignment with the relationship you dream of. Because "like attracts like," the power of the Law of Attraction is in aligning vibrationally (your thoughts and emotions) with your desired end result. Follow these steps, and you're guaranteed to be much closer to getting the love life you want.Law of Attraction relationships tools function in another way for me than for money. When I tried to attain wealth using the Law of Attraction I did so very easily. I even retired young employing these methods. However for romance I was forced to seek extreme law of attraction methods.

Love Yourself First.Every relationship we have, be they the ones from work, play, our communities or our private lives--all of these relationships reflect back to us the love we give ourselves. They will tell you or not whether you are loving yourself first.While this may seem selfish, it is imperative if you are going to partner with someone else. If you don't love yourself, how can you love another? If you don't love yourself, how can they love you? When you are in a relationship, you will find that the way that person loves you is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself.

It really is that simple.All relationships are mirrors of our own self- love.So how do we attract love? By loving ourselves first.This can be an incredibly challenging endeavor for most people. They have no clue where to begin. And it is not an uncommon problem. I find it everywhere I go.One of the biggest problems in the world today is a lack of self-love. Once you learn to love yourself, you have the ability to be compassionate and caring toward others. Until you love yourself, you don't really have the capacity for compassion. If the lack of self-love is at the core of your life that will be reflected back to you every one you meet and in every thing that you do.

Remember this very clearly Intention Manifestation can ONLY and ONLY happen when the feelings vibrational level is high. Desperation is like a deep well, it has a -ve vibration. Love and Gratitude have the highest vibration.If you do this right your emotions at this point of time should be: zero desperation. You will wonder where it has disappeared? extremely happy because you have created a beautiful relationship and seen and felt it so vividly,a perfect happy relationship between you and the Universe where you only and only have Thank You's for the Universe.Your perfect relationship will manifest in all certainty. 60,000 thoughts a day is your thought karma. If Love and Gratitude is even in 80% of this thought karma you cannot imagine what a beautiful relationship you will create, far beyond your imagination.

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