Me & the Boss

Me & the Boss

Monday, July 8, 2013

Tips To Writing Effective Positive Daily Affirmations

By Harold C. Rehm

Positive daily affirmations can help you to reprogram your mind from the negative self talk that you have had for years. For this to work effectively, you need to repeat positive statements of a desirable outcome like a mantra on a daily basis a few times per day.Positive daily affirmations help to redirect your values, formulate goals for success or simply help you to boost your self confidence. They can be used to improve areas such as wealth, success, health, relationships or self esteem.Here are 10 tips to writing effective Positive Daily Affirmations.Develop Them Yourself. Self-developed affirmations are the most effective positive daily affirmations. If you couple them with clearly defined written goals and applied faith, their power is even stronger.
[Positive Affirmations]

It is good to know what positive affirmations are, but what can they actually DO for you? When you don't have a positive outlook on life, you are much more likely to dread going to work, to be upset that you don't earn enough money, or even that you don't have the life that you really want. That may sound familiar, as that is the way that most people in the world think today. However, if you could reprogram your mind to view these points in a different light, you would find your situation improving. This is where positive affirmations come into play.

How can you possibly use positive affirmations to gain more money, change your outlook on your job, or change your life? By changing the way you look at things. The job that you have may not be the ideal job that you wanted when you were younger. However, with this job, you ARE in fact earning money, and more importantly gaining experience. You are currently preparing yourself for when you get that better job. That better job is going to lead to more money, which in turn will likely lead to a better overall life for you and your family. But will just thinking you are preparing yourself actually give you that better job? You bet it will!

Positive affirmations can work by just reading the sentence to yourself. If you want to get the most out of affirmations the best method is to repeat your affirmations into the mirror out loud. What this does is fully reprogram your mind because you will see yourself saying what it is that you want. This is very powerful and will help you visual your goals and desires and you will reach them faster.

Follow Up With Actions. Lastly, you will also need to put in some actions, so that you can lay the ground for their manifestation. For instance, affirming that you will win the lottery can only be possible when you buy a ticket. Remind Yourself Daily. In a hurried lifestyle with 1001 things to do, you can find it hard to remember to repeating the positive daily affirmations. Hence, put them in a visible location, like on the wall or in front of the mirror or save them in a PowerPoint slide to be used as a screensaver.

Here are some examples to help illustrate the above 10 tips:Positive Daily Affirmations For Self Confidence.I am sure of my ability to do what is necessary to improve my life.I feel good about the way I do my job.I love myself and accept myself for who I am.Positive Daily Affirmations For Abundance.All the things I want and need come to me.I am an abundant person.I create abundance in all that I say and do.Positive Daily Affirmations For Success.I am successful.Everything I do turns into success.I attract positive-minded people to me; I draw all things positive to myself.

How could positive affirmations possibly help your physical health? Think about the last time you had a cold. The doctors probably told you that the best thing for you would be rest. The most common "old wives" tale states that chicken soup will help you feel better also. Even work will let you take a few days off to help recover. Why is it that all of these things work? Because they are all steps to help you feel more comfortable. They will help your mind be more at ease, so it can work on repairing your body. Positive affirmations can help your mind in the same way.

Affirmations work by redirecting your thought frequencies and patterns hence replacing your negative beliefs with positive ones. You change the way you think and the way you feel about things, and you start to see tangible results of your positive affirmations. Affirmations will work for you if you are ready to leave the past behind and embrace a new way of doing things so that you can free yourself of the negativity that has been subconsciously subjected to you.

Positive affirmations can do more than just help with preventative health. They can help your mind be comfortable enough to help cure your body of illnesses and diseases. You can reinforce the idea of your health becoming better, envisioning the illnesses being forced out of your body. As you see these things, you will be able to put yourself into the place that rest and chicken soup would normally put you. Because you believe that it can, your mind will help clean out the negative influences on your body, helping you to heal yourself. This is how powerful positive affirmations truly are.

The human body is an amazing organism. With the right positive affirmations, the body can heal itself of diseases that would almost seem miraculous. A strong and healthy body begins with a healthy way of thinking. These healthy thought patterns will help to rewire the rest of your body to become a strong and healthy vessel. Maintaining positive affirmations will help your body realize that it also can achieve anything in life. Affirmations aren't just limited to the amount of money you may make, or your happiness at those around you. They can easily be adapted to change not just your way of life, but your way of physical health.Richard is a Master Practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Neurological Re-patterning. He is also the co-founder of New You Life Coaching.Because his interests stem from philosophy, spirituality, psychology, and leadership, Rich's coaching style incorporates a rare and ingenious approach to understanding and empowering you in an insanely effective manner.

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