Me & the Boss

Me & the Boss

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Teach Me To Get Rich & Ask Questions Later

By Lan Thomas

Everyone in the world strives to become rich someday and experience the benefits of being rich. When you say "I want to be rich" to your friends, the first question that come into their mind is "how?" Becoming rich is one way of transforming ones life positively.

Being rich is relative and there are many ways of becoming rich. People use different ways to gain riches. Riches for many are translated as the presence of monetary and material possession. People forget that living a fulfilling life is being rich in itself. Living a peaceful life is being rich irrespective of the origin of the peace.

Money is part of a process that helps people to do certain thing and when taken literally as a mode of exchange, then it simply beats the logic of being rich. We use money to acquire what makes our life comfortable and the people we get these from are not poor per se; the usage of the available resources positively leads to riches.

Riches is not exactly what you see when you look at your bank account, wallet or credit card statement but the freedom that it gives you to do things that you choose to do at any given time. On the other hand, riches facilitate a comfortable life in terms of giving you the flexibility to acquire anything you desire. Rich means being in control of ones comfort and security but the means to achieve these vary from each individual.

A good bank balance is a simple way of saying one has the resources to tackle part of their life problems. You can have all the money in the world and fail to have peace of mind because if the products you aspire to exchange your money for are not available, you join the ranks of the poor. Lack of flexibility and convenience that money should provide means you are not rich. Riches are all about comfort and peace of mind and once these are achieved, security and happiness set in resulting in contentment which in itself is being rich spiritually.

You can become spiritually inclines and lead a normal life or you can work hard at work and get a promotion which leads to a better pay; both the spiritual and work gains are riches. The way we have been socialized is what determines our perception of being rich. To become rich in whatever way we need to ask ourselves how long it takes to be rich and how long do riches linger in our lives.

You can easily become rich by splitting your time at work and studies. Ion the other hand, saving and investing is the beginning of creating wealth. You can become rich by opting to spend your time and money on working toward long term goals and avoiding the indulgence of short term pleasures. Wisely utilizing the available resources and projecting them to a future benefit is one way of acquiring security and independence of what you save now and utilize it in future.

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