Me & the Boss

Me & the Boss

Thursday, July 4, 2013

How Tuning Into Your Business Can Increase Sales

By Jeff Peterson

Days have rolled into weeks, maybe even months, and you're discovering that your online canvas photos store is drawing very little business. Before you decide to hang a "Out of business" sign on your web page, read the following suggestions and get inspired! With a few changes, you can have a successful online canvas photos store.

There are so many sites available to you to help make sure your website is running to the best of it's abilities. One such site is Google Analytics. Google Analytics can help you analyze every page on your site and give you an idea about which pages are useful and which ones are uneccesary. Another good site is "Omniture" from Adobe.

The working policies must be conveyed to all the working staff associated with your online canvas photos store. It can help all the workers to work in a professional environment. Furthermore, abiding by this guideline can help you build repute in the market.

It's important to find a middle ground between high quality images and loading times for your site. While these high quality images will help boost the appearance of your website, it can also slow your loading time down which will deter customers. Make sure to figure out your picture sweet spot so you aren't slowing down your system.

When it comes to the holiday season, do some research to find out what gifts are most popular. Once you know what is in demand makes sure your store is well stocked with those canvas photos. This will put you at an advantage. You need to plan on selling more canvas photos than normal during the holiday season. Customers purchase more during the holidays than any other time of year. Your store needs to be prepared and have plenty of canvas photos in stock to keep customers happy.

Having your own site and branding will convey the image that you are a professional and reputable seller. By using third party vendors, customers might now realize you are an established brand and won't be attracted to your business.

Keeping your navigation simple is a great way to keep your customers happy. This way they can browse your site easily and find exactly what they are looking for. If the navigation is too challenging customers will be turned off.

Because of their sheer number of visitors a day, craigslist is a great website to list your website on. In one day alone you will have a ton of emails that can lead to sales.

Do you know how to use social networking sites? Learning is a good way to boost your sales. The ways that you can connect with people is virtually endless. Emails that are sent to costumers can include links to the social networking accounts that you have. Canvas Photo Product details can be sent out over Facebook and Twitter as a way to promote your canvas photos.

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