Me & the Boss

Me & the Boss

Monday, July 8, 2013

How To Make Your Own Positive Thinking Motivational Quote Poster And Postcards

By Angela J. Stennis

Positive quotes and sayings are a great way to help you achieve a positive state of mind. If you repeat a positive saying over and over in your thoughts or aloud, you will feel positive and empowered.To really gain from reading positive sayings, you must treat them as affirmations. It is your thoughts that dominate your whole way of life. Nothing is more powerful that the way you think. Our thoughts can take us from the highest elevated feelings to the depths of despair.
Get [positive sayings] here

The one best reason for keeping encouragement quotes, positive thinking quotes and other positive phrases around you constantly is because even when you "forget" to look at them, your subconscious mind still "sees" them. This gives you a constant input of positivity quotes that create a very positive mindset. Why? Because you are subconsciously focusing on the positive, rather than the negative. This is because whatever you see and hear gets registered in your subconscious. So, even if you're "not listening" to the television or radio, your mind is listening intently and filing away everything it hears. So, what you want to do is keep your mind focused on positive phrases and positive sayings, and one of the best ways to do this is to keep encouragement quotes, positivity quotes, hope quotes and positive attitude quotes around you so your subconscious mind "continually absorbs" them, even when you're not looking at them or thinking about them.

Sometimes we may not know "how" we are going to do something but we have that positive thought that we can achieve what we are thinking. By being positive and saying the thought over an over again, you are condition your subconscious mind that this is achievable.There are several examples of this thought our history. Take for example when President Kennedy wanted to put a man on the moon, no one was sure how it would be done, but what NASA did know that they had the will to do it.

So, first you want to choose emotionally charged quotes that are just right for want to find a good postcard template that you can fill in with your own quotes. After you download the template, you can usually put it into a computer program such as Word or Open Office, and then type in your quotes. If you don't know how to use the computer well enough to do that, you can just print out the template and hand write onto them your own beautiful encouragement quotes, positive thinking quotes and other positive sayings.

What do people like this have in common? They maintain a positive thought pattern. They never let there thoughts become negative. If something did not work they would figure out another way.If you find the works of Henry David Thoreau, you may like to look on the internet for some of his most positive sayings and quotes. I personally like the one below.So if you have not read a lot of positive sayings and quotes, this is a great time to start.As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.

I have always been a great believer in having a positive mindset. I have studied metaphysics and have my masters degree. I also love internet marketing but if you cannot get the right mindset you will have difficulties in all that you do. Remember believe to achieve.when choosing positive thinking quotes and other encouragement quotes, you want to feel the "zing of happiness" when you read or hear them. This "zing" is your emotional intelligence telling you that this particular positive quote is just what you need.Choosing quotes on positive thinking using these three tips is fun and easy and helps you ensure that you are "infusing your potato" with hope quotes, positive phrases, positivity quotes and other good quotes that will speak directly to your spirit and feed you exactly what you need to bloom and grow.

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