In these turbulent times, many companies seek to cut back their marketing efforts to save a buck. Depending on what type of financial position you're currently in, a cutback may be a necessity for your company. In most cases however, cutting back marketing isn't essential - and it isn't necessarily wise.
I invite you to suspend your judgement for a moment while I elaborate.
History tells us that many of the people and businesses that achieve the greatest success, gain that success by going "against the grain". They're unconventional. Instead of adopting a "herd" mentality, something about their approach or methods are different.
As an example - take Warren Buffet - the most successful investor in recent history.
Most of us know Warren Buffet as a conservative, blue chip investor who invests in stable companies over the long term, and who would seem to avoid a lot of risk in his investments. When we look a little closer at Buffet's recent investments, we uncover his eight billion dollar investment in Goldman Sacks and GE (a large portion of his total net worth). When many investors were running for the hills by selling their investments off for the fear of further market losses, Buffet was doing the opposite.
While most people were cashing out of the markets, Buffet was moving in - and moving in big.
After all, you can't achieve the returns that he's achieved by acting like an every day investor. He obtains a significantly lower cost base on his investments and ultimately realizes significantly more upside.
Similarly, shrewd businesses also see this market downturn as a land grab opportunity that can offer high financial rewards. While their competitors slash marketing budgets and cocoon into a near hibernation, street smart marketers are engaging in a veritable market share land grab - and they're topping up on cutting-edge web site marketing services at their disposal to help get the job done.
Why web site marketing services? Internet Marketing offers several advantages over traditional marketing. Some of these advantages include:
1.) Most forms of Internet marketing are simply less expensive to perform than common forms of traditional marketing, and often deliver a greater ROI in the process.
2.) Online marketing methods can be measured for effectiveness very easily with very little initial spending involved.
3.) Investing in Internet marketing can often deliver ongoing results, in contrast to the short term payoff derived from many traditional marketing avenues. An example of this contrast can be seen with the need to continually "top up" your marketing spend when your TV or radio campaign comes to an end in order to have them deliver more leads versus the more prolonged lead generation you get through search engine optimization or affiliate marketing.
4.) Online marketing is very flexible. Things can be updated and changed, started and stopped - in real time.
The list goes on and on...
In light of the current economic climate, I would encourage small businesses to keep Warren Buffet's contrarian approach in mind. When the herd is putting their businesses in cruise control, I invite you and your business to experiment with some new marketing methods that will increase your market share. I invite you to learn more about the variety of cutting-edge web site marketing services available to assist you in achieving your desired marketing goals.
I invite you to suspend your judgement for a moment while I elaborate.
History tells us that many of the people and businesses that achieve the greatest success, gain that success by going "against the grain". They're unconventional. Instead of adopting a "herd" mentality, something about their approach or methods are different.
As an example - take Warren Buffet - the most successful investor in recent history.
Most of us know Warren Buffet as a conservative, blue chip investor who invests in stable companies over the long term, and who would seem to avoid a lot of risk in his investments. When we look a little closer at Buffet's recent investments, we uncover his eight billion dollar investment in Goldman Sacks and GE (a large portion of his total net worth). When many investors were running for the hills by selling their investments off for the fear of further market losses, Buffet was doing the opposite.
While most people were cashing out of the markets, Buffet was moving in - and moving in big.
After all, you can't achieve the returns that he's achieved by acting like an every day investor. He obtains a significantly lower cost base on his investments and ultimately realizes significantly more upside.
Similarly, shrewd businesses also see this market downturn as a land grab opportunity that can offer high financial rewards. While their competitors slash marketing budgets and cocoon into a near hibernation, street smart marketers are engaging in a veritable market share land grab - and they're topping up on cutting-edge web site marketing services at their disposal to help get the job done.
Why web site marketing services? Internet Marketing offers several advantages over traditional marketing. Some of these advantages include:
1.) Most forms of Internet marketing are simply less expensive to perform than common forms of traditional marketing, and often deliver a greater ROI in the process.
2.) Online marketing methods can be measured for effectiveness very easily with very little initial spending involved.
3.) Investing in Internet marketing can often deliver ongoing results, in contrast to the short term payoff derived from many traditional marketing avenues. An example of this contrast can be seen with the need to continually "top up" your marketing spend when your TV or radio campaign comes to an end in order to have them deliver more leads versus the more prolonged lead generation you get through search engine optimization or affiliate marketing.
4.) Online marketing is very flexible. Things can be updated and changed, started and stopped - in real time.
The list goes on and on...
In light of the current economic climate, I would encourage small businesses to keep Warren Buffet's contrarian approach in mind. When the herd is putting their businesses in cruise control, I invite you and your business to experiment with some new marketing methods that will increase your market share. I invite you to learn more about the variety of cutting-edge web site marketing services available to assist you in achieving your desired marketing goals.
About the Author:
Take a moment to consult Michael Szummer's free information concerning which web site marketing services or internet business advertisingtactics are suitable in generating more qualified leads to your website.
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